Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tokyo, Day 2, Part 2

Here's the view from my apartment, though it was cloudy enough on this morning that you can't really see very far. this is looking to the east northeast, so beyond the clouds is the city center. It has been rainy here--June is one of the rainy months--but a giant typhoon coursing along the east of Japan may give us some nice weather in the next few days.

The combination of our location in the time zone and our latitude here make for odd days: the sun is fully up by 4:00 in the morning, though almost set by 7:00 pm.

Here's the night view. During the day, there's surprisingly little signage in this area, which seems mostly commercial buildings on this side of our building, large apartment complexes on the other. But at night, the neon signs off in the distance light up along a main artery.

A covert picture snatched during the trip to the airport yesterday, to pick up the remaining nine students. The trip to Narita International Airport is about two hours: slightly over an hour on a Japan Rail train from the airport to the city line, half an hour on the main loop, then some walking.

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